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Dodekanisa: Rodos, Kos, Kalymnos, Leros, Patmos, Symi

Dodekanisa - Rodos
Radio 1
Rodos Angel FM
Rodos FM
Radio Lihnari
ANT1 Dodecanisou Rythmos FM
R. Arhaggelos 94.1/101.7 NRG
Alpha News Dod.
Lemon 97,3
Foreign pop hits

Grk./for. pop hits

Greek pop hits

Greek eclectic


Greek pop hits

Greek pop hits

Foreign dance


Grk./for. pop hits

Apple FM
Palmos 99,5 Radio Ihos-Mike
Radiofono Ageri
Top FM
Deri FM
Klik FM
Foreign pop hits


Greek laika

Grk./for. eclectic


Greek laika

Foreign dance

Dodekanisa - Kos
City 93
Radio Kos
Best Radio
Melodia FM
Grk./for. pop hits


Foreign dance

Grk./for. ballads

Dodekanisa - Kalymnos
Alithia FM
FM Life

Foreign pop hits


Dodekanisa - Leros
Artemis FM
Greek pop hits


Dodekanisa - Patmos
Style FM
Greek pop hits


Dodekanisa - Symi
Star Radio
Greek pop hits


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